Terms and conditions

Booking conditions

  • The management of this hotel is not responsible for loss of money, clothing or other public areas of the hotel.
  • I agree to vacate the room by 12:00 noon at check-out.
  • The hotel has the right to charge me daily the agreed room rate, as well as the consumptions that I will make in the areas of the hotel, leaving to its discretion to grant me credit or not.
  • In the event that I do not pay the bill when the hotel asks me to do so, the management has the full right to charge my credit card left as a guarantee, in addition to terminating the accommodation contract and demanding that I vacate the room. If I do not do so voluntarily, the management is authorized to vacate the room, depositing my luggage in a safe place, to be picked up by me once the bill has been paid.

Taxes and additional charges:

18% VAT
10% legal gratuity
Included in the rate.
